
How To Check Your Head For Lice

If one of your children has lice, it'south of import to do a head check on yourself, as well as all the other members of your family, in social club to detect lice early and prevent a full-blown infestation. Many people feel a scrap humble virtually checking their head for lice for the first time and are a bit unsure of where exactly to start. We're hither to outline some tips for how to check your ain head for lice—tips that yous tin can likewise use when checking other family members.

How to Check Your Ain Head for Lice

Checking a kid's head for lice tends to be a little easier than checking your own, since you can lean in for a close wait while working. However, the steps for a lice check are the aforementioned regardless of whose caput you're checking. In order to check your own caput for lice, follow these steps:

  • Work with hair when information technology'south damp, such as later a bath or shower.
  • Using a detangler volition aid the comb glide through the hair more easily, especially if you have wavy or thick hair. Apply your detangler of choice and comb it through completely.
  • Now take hold of your nit remover rummage and lay it flat against your head at the root of your hair.
  • Glide the comb all the way from the scalp and roots down to the ends of your pilus.
  • For short or medium hair, comb all your pilus to the right, and so back to the left. Repeat by combing front end to back and back to front. For long hair, you'll part hair down the middle. Place one side in a ponytail while y'all comb through the loose side. Then switch.
  • Pause nearly every 5 strokes to wipe the comb onto a white newspaper towel and inspect it check for nits/lice.

What Exactly Am I Looking For?

A critical office of knowing how to bank check for lice on your own head is knowing what to look for. When checking for lice, you're primarily looking for three things: nits, nymphs, and adult lice.

  • Adult Lice: Adult lice are the easiest to spot. Yous'll see small bugs with legs, and they tin can be dead or alive. They are grayish tan, and are typically the size of sesame seeds.
  • Nymphs: Nymphs are immature lice that accept just hatched. They accept the same shape every bit developed caput lice, but are much smaller—virtually the size of a pinhead. Nymphs showtime out very light gray or tan, but darken every bit they kickoff feeding and maturing into adults. Nymphs reach maturity 9-12 days after hatching.
  • Nits: Nits are the eggs laid by female lice. They are extremely small (barely visible to the naked centre) and oval-shaped, and at first glance can just announced like grains of dirt or sand. Nits are comprised of a translucent outer casing that houses a baby louse (nymph) inside. They start out articulate, and so darken to a light tan as the nymph grows. After the nymph hatches from the egg, the empty casing can appear articulate once more, or white. Nits will exist "glued" to the hair shaft, close to the scalp for warmth, which is why it is important to make sure you position your comb at your scalp so equally to not miss them. Note that it is just as important to identify nits equally it is to place live lice, considering even if you kill the adult lice, if whatsoever nits remain, they'll hatch after nigh viii-9 days, and you'll be re-infested.

Caput Lice Clinics in Jacksonville and Orlando, FL, and Savannah, GA

Learning how to bank check for lice on your own head tin be hard. At Fresh Heads Lice Removal, we are experts at identifying and treating lice. Our professional technicians and experts take a prophylactic, effective and affordable arroyo to treatment, stopping lice in their tracks using cut-edge engineering. If you are interested in learning more about our lice treatment options, contact us today.

Schools Without Lice.

Schools Without Lice

Our goal at Fresh Heads Lice Removal is to get rid of lice in schools across the United States. That'southward why we partnered with the Lice Clinics of America to create the Schools Without Lice program. This programme gives nurses and teachers free resource, screenings, and treatments. Together, we can have schools without lice!


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